News Flash September 7

Today we completed our “journey” in the situation of the Congregation and in her report Sr. Anna Caiazza urged us to never give up believing in the future.

Next, economist Luigino Bruni presented us with many challenges with his talk on “Charisms, their works, their goods, their poverty.” Charisms are a source of vitality for the Church and are intended for the common good. We often think of charism as a religious gift, but it should touch all aspects of public life, thus also the economy, society… However, if we remain attached to the works of the past or do not wisely manage real estate, we cannot respond charismatically to the needs of today.

He also emphasized the spirituality of poverty as prophecy and communion, following Jesus who had a deep love for children and the poor. We often say “blessed are the poor in spirit” to justify our pursuit of comfort and possessions, but the Lord says “blessed are the poor” because they are truly poor, dependent on God and others.

Finally Sr Annamaria Gasser, General Bursar, guided us to understand our economic situation in the context of the last four years, marked by the Covid pandemic, and the current Church guidelines.

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