September 13 Eucharistic celebration
September 10 Concert by Father Zezinho and the Cantores de Deus
Cidade Regina
MESSAGES | All messages
21 September 2023
Dominican Republic |
Carissime sorelle intercapitolari, insieme a voi, anche noi “ripartiamo” da Cristo o, meglio: per Cristo, con Lui e in Lui. Sono tante le sfide che ci si presentano e, senza dubbio, voi lì, e anche noi, riviviamo la realtà del Patto: povere, ignoranti, limitate in tutto… ma piene di gioiosa fiducia in Colui che ci ama, ci chiama e ci invia, ci precede e ci accompagna. Coraggio! Il Signore è con noi.
Verónica De Sousa
21 September 2023
Spain |
Querida Hermanas: En estos días hemos estado calladitas … pero no por eso hemos dejado de *DAR GRACIAS AL SEÑOR POR TODAS USTEDES* y también por TODA la Congregación. Nos hemos unido: en la oración y como los horarios son diferentes, TODO EL DÏA EL SEÑOR MANDABA ::: LO QUE NECESITABAN.
Desde Barcelona *LA GRAN COMUNIDAD: Yolanda, Priti y M.ª Magdalena.
Librería Paulinas
En comunión de vida
20 September 2023
Colombia |
Queridas hermanas, hemos acompañando día a día el camino recorrido con nuestra oración pidiendo al Espíritu Santo luz, gracia y sabiduría para cada una. El Dios de la paz y la esperanza las colme de bendiciones
Jenny Veira

Transformed by the Spirit...
We are convinced that only a Congregation transformed, “transfigured” by the Spirit, who gives birth in us to an evangelical life (cf. CD19, 42.1), is able to arise, set out on this journey, and generate life for the people entrusted by God to our care. Life permeates our proclamation, and love–the true fruit of the Spirit–makes it fruitful.
... walking together...
Thus it involves walking together as “the family of humanity,” open to ecumenical and interreligious dialogue, welcoming every contribution that can help identify and launch new paths for mission. It is a way of “dreaming together” that requires of us a willingness to continually return to the path of conversion and change.

... to generate life
It is the task of every person God calls to “generate and regenerate life every day. The Lord wants to shape our hearts into the hearts of fathers and mothers: hearts that are open, capable of great commitment, generous in self-giving, com-passionate in dealing with anguish, and steadfast in strengthening hope.”
“Humility and faith are the indispensable conditions for renewing our covenant with the Lord.
We commit ourselves to seeking, in life and in the apostolate,
only and always the glory of God and peace to all people” (CD 37)
What to do?
Transformed by the Spirit...
Let us maintain an attitude of “listening to the Spirit,” in order to allow ourselves to be transformed in mind and heart. May this listening to the Spirit of Christ, at work in salvation history, in the life of the Church and in the life of every believer, be a totalizing experience that improves the quality of our lives, orients our commitment to consecration, and makes us continually renewed creatures.... walking together...
“Synodality represents the path by which the Church can be renewed by the action of the Holy Spirit, as we listen together to what God has to say to his people.”
... to generate life
It means learning to rely on our “fellow travelers,” those who share the journey with us, putting our trust in them. It means searching together for the common good, nurturing a caring attitude toward today’s many situations of physical and spiritual need...