News Flash September 11

We spent September 10th in silence and prayer, meditating on the reflection given by Sr Ana Paula Ramalho on “Maestra Tecla, our model in the service of authority,” in which she considered the gift of fraternal communication characterized by charity, honesty and frankness.

In the evening we had a solemn Eucharistic celebration presided over by Dom Gregorio Oliveira Ferreira, osb, and then attended an inspiring and lively concert by Fr. Zezinho and Cantores de Deus.

Today, we began the illumination phase of our meetings with a presentation by Sr Nicla Spezzati, asc, on the theme of The Grace and Style of Synodality, Authority and Communal Collaboration. She reminded us that synodality was at the foundation of Vatican II, and through it today we are called to a radical return to the following of Christ. As the Israelites followed the Divine Presence through the desert amid pauses and uncertainty, we are called to live discernment with periods of uncertainty that can disturb us but will ultimately transform us.

Later Sr. Salete Veronica dal Mago, cifa, gave a presentation on A life that generates life: a renewed vision of consecrated life.As she explained, living a spiritual life is living according to the Spirit in love and freedom. What is the Holy Spirit calling us to that we haven’t yet realized? We must animate ourselves continually for only a life touched by the love of God canwelcome the mystery of God. Humility and love make us wise.

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