Interchapter Meeting of the Daughters of St. Paul 2023

Rome, 6 January 2023
Epiphany of the Lord

Dearest Sisters,

On this solemnity, in which the Magi invite us to set out to follow the Star, the God who accompanies us on our journey, experiencing our travails and opening before us unexpected paths to new life, I officially inform you that our upcoming Interchapter Meeting will take place in our Cidade Regina community (São Paulo), Brazil, from 5-20 September 2023.

This important assembly of the Congregation–which usually takes place halfway between one General Chapter and the next–is convoked according to the indications specified in article 176 of our Constitutions:

  • to evaluate the plans programmed by the last General Chapter;
  • to discuss important and urgent topics;
  • to focus on planning, pinpointing any priorities for our journey.

In addition to the Sisters of the General Government, the provincial and delegation superiors and the superior of the Generalate community will take part in the event. The superiors of the other communities dependent on the General Government will connect with the group via Zoom whenever their presence is necessary. The young Sisters who are part of the International Consultation known as The Commission of Hope will also participate in the meeting via Zoom for specific topics.

The sisters of the Interchapter’s Preparatory Commission[1]–accompanied by Sr. Marta Finotelli, sjbp–met at the Generalate from 12-17 December to decide the theme and a method to be used to involve the entire Congregation in the verification of the Chapter Project, as well as to prepare a draft of the program and methodology to be used during the Encounter.

The Commission will also prepare a booklet to allow all the sisters to reflect on the Interchapter’s theme and pray for it. The text will be sent to the circumscriptions after Easter.


In harmony and continuity with our 11th General Chapter and the journey made thus far in “responding to the appeals of the Spirit that challenge our life and mission” (cf. CD 19, 38), we have chosen a theme that we hope will give new light and perspective to our journey:


We are convinced that only a Congregation transformed, “transfigured” by the Spirit, who gives birth in us to an evangelical life (cf. CD19, 42.1), is able to arise, set out on this journey, and generate life for the people entrusted by God to our care. Life permeates our proclamation, and love–the true fruit of the Spirit–makes it fruitful.

Sisters, today we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany, which takes place when the new year is not yet even seven days old. It is a celebration of our best wishes for the year: best wishes that we might have–not only for one day but for all of them–the open and penetrating eyes of the Spirit that enable us to see, even in the darkness, the Star illuminating our path.

Let us entrust to Prima Maestra Thecla–a woman of the covenant, “who never resisted the Spirit” (Fr. Alberione)–the journey we begin today, asking that it may be enriched by her own faith, love, hope, and joyful awareness that the Lord continues to work wonders through our poverty.


Sr Anna Caiazza
Superior General


[1] Members of the Commission: Sr. Micaela Pae and Sr. Shalimar Rubia (General Councilors), Sr. Gabriella Collesei (Italian Province), Sr. Anuarite Muadi Kanda (Congo-Ivory Coast Delegation), and Sr. Rosa Ramalho (Brazilian Province).


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