News flash September 6

Synodality: path or point of arrival? This is the question addressed to the participants by H.E. Msgr. Rogerio Agusto das Neves, Auxiliary Bishop of São Paulo at the beginning of this first phase of meetings.

Msgr. Rogerio encouraged us to embrace synodality, referring to the spirituality of walking together as it emerges from Scripture, Church tradition and Pope Francis’ magisterium that “short journeys can be made alone, but long journeys must be made together.” Afterwards, the participants shared in small groups what had struck them most about his presentation, and each group formulated a question to ask him. In his answers he emphasized that synodality is more than a theological or philosophical study. Synodality is existential. We enter it with our frailties and limitations, but we walk together in a journey of mutual listening and faith, which enlightens us to look for ways to respond to the great challenges of today.

Sr. Anna Caiazza, superior general, also introduced the first part of the report on the situation of the Congregation, recalling that Pope Francis spoke of an epochal change in which we are immersed, urged us as consecrated persons to overcome resignation and to be open to the signs of the times, without letting the joy of evangelization be stolen from us. The mission, in fact, is not ours, but God’s, and to accomplish it we need to follow the Spirit, who speaks where there is communion.

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