News Flash September 16

Today we continued sharing in the continental groups, discussing initiatives that could be pursued collaboratively among the constituencies in each geographical area.

Although there are certainly many challenges in developing work that impacts multiple languages and cultures, we believe that the Holy Spirit is calling us to the unity in diversity that can amplify the effectiveness of our mission.

Each group formulated concrete proposals to build synergies in the areas of formation, spirituality and apostolate. Later these proposals were presented to the entire assembly. They included the commitment of the circumscription superiors to communicate more with each other, to promote forms of continental coordination, and to support effective channels for the Gospel to reach people today.

In this difficult but ultimately fruitful work, we are committed to working for greater harmony in living out our mission. We understand our call to have a universal heart that urges us to go beyond our immediate or personal concerns, and to have the heart of Jesus that understands the needs of humanity.

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