News flash September 5

Today, September 5, 2013, we officially opened the Interchapter of the Daughters of St. Paul with a solemn Celebration in the Chapel of the Provincial House of Brazil. The rite was presided over by Msgr. Jorge Pierozan, auxiliary bishop of São Paulo.

In the opening procession, the superiors carried to the altar the flags of the countries where we carry out our mission, blessing and consecrating these nations to God. In his homily, the bishop recalled our baptismal vocation and the second call we received from the Lord in the life of Pauline consecration, a call that awaits our response and invites a journey of continual conversion.

At the end of the Mass, Sr Marlene Konzen, provincial superior of Brazil, shared the good news of the recent publication of the “Biblia Paulinas” in Portuguese, giving a copy to each Interchapter participant. A joyful moment of celebration, with the sisters and members of the Pauline Family, concluded this beautiful morning.

In the afternoon Sister Anna Caiazza, superior general, in her opening address invited us to listen to the Holy Spirit for a wise reading of the journey of the past four years, with a view to identifying priorities for the next two years.

We are immensely grateful to all our sisters and those who follow us with prayer, offering, and encouragement, including online. Let us continue to walk together.

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